What does Project Crow stand for?
Project Cycle, Run or Walk

What is Project Crow?
Check out this page for more information. In a nutshell, however, it is an effort to ambulate to my neighborhood from every DC-area Metro station or the other way around.

What is your neighborhood?
Kensington, Maryland. I'm not running all the way to my doorstep, partly so you can't find where I live and partly because I live at the top of a hill and hills are just the fucking worst.

Why not? I have to run somewhere, right? This is a good way too keep it interesting. Plus, I have a special interest in running routes and this will help me discover some new ones.

Why crows?
Because crows are cool. Full stop.

Is there a time limit on Project Crow?
No. This isn't, like, a Year of Crows. It is an undefined period of time with a vague goal that will hopefully be accomplished one day.

Aren't some areas dangerous?
Probably. Please don't murder me. Or run me over with your car.

How many stations are there?
There are currently 91 stations along six lines, making up 117 miles of track. I look forward to visiting every last one of them.

What if new stations open before you finish?
They likely will. I will add them to my list!

How often will you run?
I plan to try to do a station once a week, but sometimes there might be time gaps. I have a life, you know. Kinda.

How do I know which stations you've already done?
Check the list here.

Can I run with you?
Probably not. I kinda don't like people. I'm sorry. I'm sure you're lovely, but I have intense social anxiety that keeps me a solo runner.

Are you running the stations in any kind of order?
No, it'll be pretty random, depending on my mood and my training, but I want to mix in short and long runs from the beginning so I don't get six months in and only have options that are 20 miles away.

Will you redo stations?
Quite possibly. I might cycle from a station I've already run from or I might run a different route home from the same station. Who knows? This is going to be all kinds of fun!

What does WMATA think about this?
Not a damn thing. They know not of me.

Why did you decide you could run to OR from Metro stations?
Because I don't want to always run uphill on my way home from DC.